The copy hung in the baroque sacristy of the Broumov church;
it seems to have been shown in a similar manner years ago.
The following is excerpted from the text of a personal letter sent to Barrie Schwortz on April 26, 1999:
Dear Barrie,
I am sending you photographs we made of the new Shroud copy. I have much of the story on my website, but only in Latin. (click here for a link to the Latin Version)
Details of the copy (from the trip memo)
Field trip March 29-30, 1999, Route Baden/Vienna - Broumov, CZ
Participating team: Stadtarchivar Dr. Rudolf Maurer, Prof. Dr. Leo Bazant-Hegemark, Florian Bazant-Hegemark (my eldest son who assisted us)
Explanations in Czechia by Broumov pastor, Dean P. Norbert Josef Zeman O. Cist., and theol. scholar Mr. Premysl Sochor.
In front of the newly found copy, (l to r) Prof. Dr. Leo Bazant-Hegemark;
the Broumov pastor Dean P. Norbert Josef Zeman O. Cist,
holding the wooden box where the linen was stored;
theological scholar Mr. Premysl Sochor, who found the linen and
Dr. Rudolf Maurer, main arhivarius of the town of Baden/Vienna.
The copy was found Jan. 18, 1999 by theol. scholar Premysl Sochor in the first balcony to the right in the monasterial church of Broumov, Czechia, hidden in a framed wooden box with a glass door, under the floor of the balcony (in a height of appr. 15m). With the linen was the authenticity, i.e., a letter of the archbishop of Turin, Bergiria, giving names, year and date (4 May 1651).
The letter of authenticity dated 4 May 1651
The linen is and is declared to be a handmade copy of the Turin Shroud.
The copy was sent by the archbishop of Turin, Julius Caesar Bergiria, to the former abbot of Broumov and later archbishop of Prague, Mattaeus Ferdinand Bilenberg, in a.d. 1651.
The linen is approximately the same size as the original Shroud and measures 4.71 meters (incl. a border of 12 mm) x 1.2 meters. It appears to have hung up lengthwise.
The picture is centered horizontally and vertically on the linen.
Florian Bazant-Hegemark assisting Dr. Maurer
More measurements for comparisons:
maximum breadth of head - 16.5 cm
distance head to head (center) - 19.5 cm
The Latin inscription EXTRACTVM AB ORIGINALI (derived from the original) is written between the two heads
The head of the copy, clearly showing brush strokes and color particles.
Note the Latin inscription "EXTRACTVM AB ORIGINALI" at right.
It is not known at this moment when the copy was shown to the public for the last time.
Put into negative colours with our equipment, the copy is always flat and brings out no three-dimensional effects whatsoever. Altogether, it clearly shows brush strokes and paint particles.
Probably somewhat like this, the people of Edessa made their copy in the year 944 a.d. and giving it to the archdean and referendary Gregorios, hoped he would not notice. But he did notice (everybody would have noticed) and the Shroud came to Constantinopolis.
The copy, to me, shows clearly that actually nobody was able to produce the real Shroud by hand, and, by the way, nobody nowadays seems able to do so (either).
With warm regards,